Tuesday, April 29, 2008


For those of us who go to traditional Anglican Churches, we are familiar with the pews. And all Sundays are usually almost the same; you go to Church and even without noticing it, you end up at the same spot where you normally sit and after a short while it feels like you own the place and when someone else sits on YOUR SPOT!!!!!!!! you smile at them on the surface but underneath, you are actually breathing fire and brimstone!! Are you one of those people who is partof the worship team? and it just so happens that all of you always scram for the same row and when you get displaced oh my, you feel like you've been banished from planet earth to Venus and it's hot out there even though you've just moved to the row behind THE ONE (worship team row).

Well on April the 29th 2007, tragedy befel me. I ( a dedicated worship team member ) was displaced from THE BENCH, where all good members like me sit. so like a banished child i moved to the row behind, it felt like someone pushed me really hard. I had to swallow my pride like a wounded soldier and and lie low( move to the bench behind before i caused a sceen).

Now right next to me was a certain young man that I usually saw at church. I had never spoken to him though I thought he was handsome, but it would be an abomination for a girl Like me, tee hee, to go introduce my self and start chatting to a stranger, my oh my,what would people say of the good old me and the well behaved worship team ooh no! no! the pain and horror of what it would do to our good name. It is unthinkable, not proper at all!! and i hope you know i'm just kidding, I was just being a snob.

Anyways, when I sat next to Him, suddenly the anger started Going away, I looked at him and smiled, he smiled right back and by the time we were sharing peace ( we do the handshake here in Africa), I wanted me a piece of Him, OOOPS sorry, I meant I felt like I wanted to know him more. The interesting bit about it all is that as we sat on that bench and smiled back and forth at each other, alittle voice asked me, " wouldn't it be nice if he was your Husband?" at this point I thougt I was crazy and completely brushed the voice off because I thought it was my mind being silly but as i look back at the things that happen after that I can't help but feel that it was the Holy spirit that spoke to me on that Day.

Funny how you never imagine meeting your future spouse on the pew.After lots of heart breaks, tears and lonliness and finally giving up ( exactly two weeks before I sat next to him I told God that I was tired of searching,i told Him I wouldn't look anymore and that He could do as he pleased with my life) what I was looking sooooooo hard for, was right under my nose. Miracles still do happen. Thank God for my MIRACLE.